FA Result 2025 FA
When students pass their matric class annual exams, then they seek admission in the intermediate class in the higher secondary schools or colleges of their city. They apply for admission in the science, arts or commerce group, which suits best for them. If they pass their SSC exams with arts subjects, then they will have to get admission in the arts subjects and follow humanities groups in their further education. If the students pass their 10th class exams with science subjects and they have good marks, then they can follow in the science subjects and they have two options to get admission in the pre-engineering or pre-medical groups.
The regular students send their registration forms to their respective education board through their college and the private students have to submit their registration forms direct to the educational board. The educational boards of Punjab like Multan, DG Khan, Sargodha, Sahiwal, Faisalabad, Lahore, Bahawalpur, Gujranwala and Rawalpindi receive admission forms from the students as they start the process at the same time and start the FA/FSc annual exams at the same time also. The students, who want to appear in the FA (Faculty of Arts) exams, they have to take the subjects of arts or humanities group and they pass their exams so that they can get inter (arts group) certificate and get admission in the bachelor class in the degree colleges.
Like educational boards of Punjab, the educational boards in Sindh like Sukkur, Karachi, Mirpurkhas, Hyderabad, Aga Khan and Larkana also provide admission in the HSSC (arts group) and they conduct the annual exams in intermediate class (arts group). Similarly, the educational boards in KPK like Peshawar, Abbottabad, Mardan, DI Khan, Kohat, Malakand, Bannu and Swat have their own schedules to conduct the 11th and 12th class annual exams and after preparation of the FA annual exams result, they announce the 1st year and 2nd year annual exams result in the main auditorium of the educational boards. The educational boards of Islamabad, Quetta and AJK conduct the exams of Intermediate class after issuing the FA roll number slips and date sheets to the students and also announce the FA result after few months of the finishing of the FA annual exams.